Coronavirus Guide

his explanation

Coronavirus Guide

The coronavirus, which is spreading throughout the US and throughout the world, is the same virus that caused SARS. The virus still causes sickness, and some are extremely ill. The best method to avoid infection is to get immunized. You can also stop the spread of infection by implementing healthy habits. This includes making sure there is sufficient airflow within the at-home area, avoiding social contact and wearing a mask while in public. Being up-to-date on your medication can aid in avoiding serious illness, hospitalization, and even death if you are ill.

A single SARS-CoV-2 virus particle, known as a virion, measures approximately 80 nanometers wide. It is surrounded by protein that protects a ball of RNA. It contains the genetic code that makes viruses. A spike protein on a virus’ surface is bound to a receptor in healthy cells. It is typically a protein named ACE2. This allows the virus to be introduced into cells. Once inside the host cell the virus can take over the protein-making machinery of the host to produce hundreds or thousands of copies. The virions then leave the cell and infect other cells, creating more viruses.

People who have been infected with this new coronavirus can have symptoms such as a runny nose cough, sore throat, and fever. Certain people may have more serious symptoms, including the heart and lung issues. Most people recover with no long-term effects.

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